
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Episode #13 Steve Hoppe: Sipping Saltwater
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
How to find lasting satisfaction.
On today's episode, Steve Hoppe, author of "Sipping Saltwater: How to Find Lasting Satisfaction in a World of Thirst," talks about idols we "sip" that leave us feeling even more thirsty and dissatisfied.
This is an important conversation because if we want to live a life unleashed, it is critical that we gain insight into the areas in our lives that may be keeping us stuck, trapped or in bondage. We have to take an honest look at the things in our life that we are looking to for satisfaction that ultimately end up ruling us, sucking the life out of us and putting us on an endless cycle of chasing the illusion of satisfaction and leave us coming up empty and not truly satisfied.
We will explore forms of saltwater such as sex, money, control, comfort, people and work and will also discuss the concept of God, Garbage, Gift.
Tune in! Share this podcast with your friends and please leave a review.
Book Excerpt
“We consume things that look and feel and sound like they can quench our thirst. They promise unmatched pleasure. They promote limitless comfort, joy, strength, peace, excitement. They vow to remove our fears, tears, worries, guilt and shame. They pledge to fill the voids in our hearts and soothe our aching souls. They promise paradise but they can’t deliver.”
About the author
Steve Hoppe was born in Chicago and educated at the University of Illinois, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary. He has served in urban ministry for over a decade and is currently a pastor, counselor, author, and speaker with Park Community Church in Chicago. Steve is married to his best friend Abby.

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Episode #12 Kelly Balarie: How to Fight Fear.
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017

How to Fight Fear.
On our show today we want to help you Fight Fear!
I have invited my good friend Kelly Balarie and author of the book, Fear Fighting, Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears…. to talk about how we can can be Fear Fighters!
Listen in as we talk about the different aspects of fear that grip us….Worry, anxiety, people pleasing.
Any time you feel like you are holding back, not being all you were created to be or you have to be somebody else to please somebody else, that is an indication that there is an origin of fear.
Sometimes we experience opposition in the exact area we are meant to play full out!
We also tackle fear questions such as:
What is a Fear snowball
Can fear ever be a good things?
How can we recognize the fear that grips us?
How do we pay attention to the fear enough to realize it so that we can be free from it.
Tune in for some fear fighting Truth!

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Episode #11 Michelle McKinney Hammond: Finding your purpose.
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Have you ever been around someone that is a burst of energy and inspiration?
Tune in and listen to my fun and full of wisdom chat with Michelle McKinney Hammond, bestselling author, speaker, singer and television presenter.
We talk about everything from identity crisis, to creating margin in our lives. We also discuss answers to "what is my purpose?," what to do in the waiting, how comparison and envy distract us from the path that we are meant to be on and how we miss grace when we expect our lives to look a certain way.
Tune in to have your soul be refreshed and your mind stirred (in a good way)!
Michelle has authored over 40 books (selling over two million copies worldwide), including best-selling titles The Diva Principle, Sassy, Single and Satisfied, 101 Ways to Get and Keep His Attention, andSecrets of an Irresistible Woman. A gifted vocalist, Michelle has recorded four CD’s, and has co-hosted the Emmy Award-winning television talk show Aspiring Women on TLN for ten years as well as TCT’s 3D Woman.
She has appeared on countless television shows including Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect, E Channel’s “Soap Talk,” NBC’s The Other Half, The 700 Club, and BET’s Oh Drama! as well as a regular relationship segment on WGN Morning News. Recently she appeared on Roma Downey and Mark Burnett’s “Women of the Bible” on Lifetime and “Beyond AD”. She has graced the cover of magazines such as Today’s Christian Woman, Precious Times, The Plain Truth and Gospel Today. She has been a contributing writer for Spirit Led Woman, Discipleship Journal and has been featured in articles in Shine, Essence, Ebony, Jet, Black Enterprise Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Associated Press and The New York Times.
Michelle is known for “keeping it real.” She addresses real-life issues with candor and wit, and the hard questions with sensitivity and empathy.
Michelle’s underlying message is “get yourself in spiritual order and your natural life will come together.”
She resides in Ghana, West Africa where she is the visionary for a new ministry called Relevance. She also travels extensively, speaking to men and women from all walks of life extending the message of the Good News and the power of having an authentic relationship with God.

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
On today’s show my friend and author Lynne Moyer is here to talk about her new book, City of Lights, Letting Go of What We Think Life Should Look Like So That We Can Discover Even More.
We talk about how we can often pursue perfection when God really wants us to pursue people. And, how to live a lifetsyle of letting go.
Listen in as we talk about letting go of our plans and being aware and present enough to say Yes to what God is showing us, and where He is leading us.
Lynne is also the Founder & CEO of Luminate Marketing. She is an international speaker and an award-winning strategist for churches, small businesses and nonprofits and is passionate about speaking on behalf of those who don't have a voice, leveraging influence with purpose, and living a lifestyle of hospitality. She and her husband Matt and their pup bear live in Atlanta, GA. You can find more about Lynne at lynnemoyer.com

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Episode #9 Rebekah Lyons: What is Freedom?
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
How can we experience more freedom and be more of who we were created to be? Listen in and be inspired as Rebekah shares her ongoing journey to freedom and how she is living fully into who she was created to be.
Some things we touch on:
You can't know freedom if you don't know bondage.
Areas of bondage that keep us from being free.
Identifying the lies that keep us in bondage.
How do we find meaning in surrender?
How do we pursue a life of meaning and passion?
Why where we get our identity from matters.
Rebekah Lyons is the author of Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning and You Are Free: Be Who You Already Are. She is a mother of three, wife of one, and dog-walker of two living in Franklin, TN. She's an old soul with a contemporary, honest voice who puts a new face on the struggles women face as they seek to live a life of meaning. Through emotive writing and speaking, Rebekah reveals her own battles to overcome anxiety, depression, and consumer impulses - challenging women to discover and boldly pursue the calling God has for them. As a self-confessed mess, Rebekah wears her heart on her sleeve, a benefit to friends and readers alike. Alongside her husband, Gabe, Rebekah serves as co-founder of Q Ideas, a nonprofit organization that helps Christian leaders winsomely engage in culture. Her favorite pastime is spent with her nose in a book and a discriminating cup of coffee in hand. You can find Rebekah on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and rebekahlyons.com.

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
There is brokenness all around us. If we are honest, we all have our own brokenness. How do we pursue restoring what is broken in ourselves, how are we called to be involved in the restoration of all things?
And, how does the wilderness play a part in experiencing restoration?
Listen in as Steve and I talk about what it looks like to pursue our own wholeness by owning our own stories and naming the places that we are hiding and that need healing.
Steve Wiens is a pastor, writer and runner, and lives in Minnesota with his wife Mary, and three young sons. He is the author of Beginnings, and his second book, Whole: Restoring What is Broken in Me, You and the Rest of the World. Steve also has a weekly podcast called This Good Word. You can find and follow Steve on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and stevewiens.com.

Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
On our show today, I have invited my friend, Dr. Deb Gorton, to talk about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.
What does that mean? Well you will have to tune in to find out!
But, if fear or discomfort have ever kept you from leaning in and playing full-out in life and relationships, you will want to listen in as we talk about how forgoing comfort is essential to growth and transformation.
We also talk about the cost we are paying to stay comfortable, how our most defining growth moments don't happen in the realm of comfortability and how radical acceptance is a key to moving out of unwanted circumstances. And, that failure is a part of learning and growth.
Dr. Deb Gorton grew up in Scottsdale, AZ and graduated from Arizona State University with a BA in Journalism. She earned both her MA in Psychology and her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology in Pasadena, CA. Additionally, she holds an MA in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Dr. Gorton presently serves as the Director of Moody Theological Seminary’s Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program as well as Moody's Counseling Center. She is also the founder of Siv Consultation, providing counseling and leadership coaching for individuals. Dr. Gorton is a problem-solver and collaborator who believes transformation happens within community.

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Episode #6 Audra Langford Alexander: Creating Deep Friendships
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Studies have found that when it comes to our physical and mental health, friendships may truly be the best medicine!
On today's show my good friend of almost 20 years, Audra, joins me. I love this photo of us. We took it several years ago and it sums up the joy deep friendships bring.
On this episode we share our honest journey of friendship, and how deep, meaningful relationships take vulnerability, courage, and are not for the faint of heart.
Listen in as we touch on some keys to healthy friendships:
Don't run from conflict
Be each other's champions
Be quick to forgive
Ask for forgiveness
Create fun memories
Appreciate each other's differences
I am so grateful that you are tuning in to these podcasts. I pray that they are making a difference for you as you Live a Life Unleashed.
Here's to transformative friendships.
With love,
Lisa B.

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Episode #5 Kelli Worrall: 20 Things We'd Tell Our Twentysomething Selves
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Kelli talks vulnerably about how her life was not turning out the way she envisioned, and when disappointments came her way, she didn't handle them very well. There were things she wished she had known in her 20's that would have helped her navigate life better in her 30's and 40's, and as a result her book, Twenty Things We'd Tell Our Twentysomething Selves was born!
No matter your age, these 20 things will resonate! 20 Things is more than good advice; it’s a book that can change your life.
Some of the 20 Things we talk about:
1. Examine your foundation carefully
2. Feed yourself (mind, body, soul and spirit)
3. Take risks
4. Seek healing
5. Live loved
Kelli Worrall is an author, speaker and a Professor of Communications at Moody Bible Institute. Along with 20 Things We’d Tell Our Twentysomething Selves, co-authored with her husband Peter, she also is the author of her newly released second book, Pierced and Embraced.
Kelli studied Communications at Cedarville University, and received her Masters from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MRE), and a degree in Creative Writing at Roosevelt University (MFA). She and her husband Peter have two children through adoption: Daryl and Amelia.

Monday Sep 25, 2017
Episode #4 Lina AbuJamra: How to live a life unleashed!
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
On this episode, Lina AbuJamra shares her story of how she lives her life unleashed. We talk about what limitations or perceived limitations she had to overcome to pursue and experience playing full out and living fully into who she was created to be.
We answer the questions, How can we pursue our dreams and calling? What is the process and what are the disciplines that lead to living your life unleashed? How do we avoid comparing ourselves to others?
Tune in and be encouraged to discover what you were created to do and move towards taking a next step!
Lina AbuJamra is a Pediatric ER doctor and founder of Living with Power Ministries. Her vision is to bring hope to the world by connecting Biblical answers to everyday life. Lina has authored several books including: Thrive, Stripped, and Resolved. You can watch her inspiring thousands via her Faith Booster series and other Bible teachings on YouTube and her Living With Power app. Lina is the host of Today's Single Christian on Moody Radio and the host of Morning Minutes, a daily audio devotional available on her website, livingwithpower.org.